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PermaKill Exterminating Co., LLC


Phone (973) 584-6414
Address 5 Laurel Drive,
Suite 8,

Flanders, NJ 07836 United States


We understand that what's important to you is finding a company that can take care of pests in & around your home reliably + dependably. But here's some other info about PermaKill you may find interesting. PermaKill Exterminating was established in 1984 & is a locally owned/operated family business. We are not a franchise--we tailor our services to the problems we find using the best tools available. Our specialty is providing scientifically proven treatments to meet your specific requirements.

Number of Employees:

Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun: Closed

Date of Company Formation:

For more information, please contact us with the following details:

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